b. I would turn this topic into a religion fair. This fair would resemble Quad Day, but would be the various religious groups on campus showing their religion to other people to promote religious freedom. I would form this by talking to all the religious on campus and seeing how they feel about this issue.
c. I would use a scene-setting lede. This would be my lede:
You look around and see booths set up all around you. Muslim, Christian, Hindu, just to name a few. All of these religions have come together to express their beliefs to those that are curious.
d. This Religion Fair has been set up to inform those who are curious about the beliefs and practices of the religions that are represented on the campus of the University of Illinois.
2. a. This story is about the contestants that were eliminated from the current season of American Idol. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/02/25/arts/AP-US-TV-American-Idol-Results.html?_r=1
b. I would talk to the fans of the show to see how they feel about the eliminations and how they think the season will progress from here.
c. America holds its breath in anticipation for what is about to come. As the final contestant is told they are being sent home, some breathe out a sigh of relief, as others scream in protest.
d. On Thursday, American Idol fans watched the first Top 24 elimination held within the Fox Theatre in Hollywood. The results were listed within the hour and four American Idol hopefuls were sent home due to a lack of viewer votes.